What job don't students like very much? 2. By using longer, unnecessarily befuddling word choice, Austen introduces us to a character who pedantically tries to emphasize his own grandeur through words, appearance, and actions. Confusing Possessives. Perhaps it need not be done so pedantically, thought Nicholas, or even done at all, but this untiring, continual spiritual effort of which the sole aim was the children's moral welfare delighted him. (adjective) A pedantic at. During March Madness, many gamblers parlay their earnings on the basketball teams that they think will win the tournament. Also with Pedantic sentences, similar words, Synonyms, Antonyms and more. Examinations are a contrivance to see how a student tackles new problems. Cuba colloquial to be very knowledgeable. Another great way to engage your students is through the creation of storyboards that use vocabulary from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.Here is a list of a few vocabulary words commonly taught with the novel, and an example of a visual vocabulary board.. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Vocabulary. Lol it's not subjective, the angle to steer when manually pushing the bike (walking with bike) is mentioned by a few before. A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z, © 2021 UseEnglishWords.com. We are looking for Content Writers (1-2 years experience) for our ed-tech startup based out . poner cátedra. pedantic = with excessive concern for formal rules, details, or book learning. pedantically - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pedantically. Found inside – Page 94Some people, rather pedantically, object that you should never finish a sentence with a preposition, but it is extremely common in questions like this. Tell the meaning of underlined word in the following sentence: The Anasazi lived in the desert, where the climate is arid., Tell the meaning of underlined word in the following sentence:The ancient group lived thousands of years ago. Thucydides wrote the History of the Peloponnesian War, and it's one of the most reliable sources on the war that we have.He's also considered one of the most reliable sources for ancient Greek history. Word stress, also called lexical stress, is the emphasis a speaker places on a specific syllable in a multi-syllable word. die, oxen)? Found inside – Page 90Everything else will be fine if he crosses out that sentence.” Müller turned to Heidegger—but Heidegger pedantically stuck to his point, saying, ... Second, by deciding etymologyw much to bring in of the historic origin or etymology of a word. Sometimes, Jason is so pedantic in writing the perfect paper that he forgets to properly manage his time. Sure, Austen could just tell us that Sir Walter is a stuck-up prig, but her approach to characterization means we absorb this on our own, in the very first . : Just as I started to feel a bit, uh, constrained we were let out into the fresh air. 33 sentence examples: 1. Found inside – Page 201This strangely constructed sentence — equivocal and yet precise and narrow — including the words 'may', 'exactly', and 'even pedantically' — distracts its ... Why do some people pedantically cling to dying word forms (e.g. The Americans might say: I haven't my cell phone. Pretending to have high status qualities. pedantically meaning: 1. in a way that gives too much attention to formal rules or small details: 2. in a way that gives…. Some uncountable nouns can be used in plural, and Google n-grams reports a number of instances for softwares: "These softwares permit simple mapping of the existing data and offer good compatibility with other softwares." 2. Found inside – Page 149Awkward: No modern grammarian was willing to dogmatically, pedantically, ... pedantically, and invariably.69 Which version of the sentence below sounds more ... figurative, colloquial to pontificate, speak pedantically. Originally, it merely meant a teacher - any teacher. 3. Examples of Pedantic in a sentence. Found inside – Page 122... by page numbers alone , thereby cutting off the prose in mid - sentence . ... of grammar and pedantically explained : “ As anyone knows , sentences do ... Thus, for the sake of being pedantically accurate, this is the game that first introduced Sonic's pal Tails Miles Prower who would later go on to feature in many of later titles. Found inside – Page 58The pedantically literary is juxtaposed to the colloquial, the exotic and mythic to the ridiculous and vulgar. The sentence moves from the elaborate ... Found inside – Page 102... sensitive Chinaman, accustomed as he is to cut to the very bone of linguistic form, might well say of the Latin sentence, “How pedantically imaginative! As pointed out in your question software is a mass noun also known as uncountable. It may seem pedantic to harp on what looks like mere procedure, but this is one case where the process is the forest. expand_more Notre charte est beaucoup trop longue et par trop pédante. Examples of Parlay in a sentence. Maugham, W. Somerset -- Of Human Bondage. How to use Etymology in a sentence as a noun. 3. Found insideWe pedantically strive to make our English pronouns do the same thing ... too ) of a sentence in my deluded guestfriend's Practice Book ( I have to use it ... 'Kerry makes this last ridiculous point pedantically, as if it's at the very core of what really matters.' More example sentences 'So I'm watching the movie with the careful eye of one who knows the book and will be judging it pedantically.' He was always pedantically accurate. For Brutus, ethics and morals are tied closely with laws and tradition. Found inside – Page 104Someone would be able to understand this sentence without ever learning the ... has just been made aware of this to pedantically use sentences like (20): ... Answer (1 of 2): Is it grammatically correct to say "I don't have my cell phone on me today"? It was even drearier with rain pouring and lightning flashing from the clouds.. After all, if we all stayed pedantically committed to our initial interests and behavioural patterns life would seem an awful lot longer and . The Farlex Grammar Book > English Spelling and Pronunciation > Pronunciation Conventions > Word Stress Word Stress What is word stress? The classics, it is generally agreed, are a repository of class vanity, racial prejudice and pedantic obscurantism. Expediential definition, pertaining to or regulated by expediency. Music with a tendency towards contrivance and la Found inside – Page 39... one to which it 'refers') is of a type with which the sentence used in making ... pedantically insist, is not—'a colour', and 'The black cat is a tom'. Your guess is as good as anyone's about Secretary's vs. Secretaries' vs. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Theoretically meaning and usage. Found inside – Page 36of using common words in a particular and pedantic sense . Such is the phrase , The last sentence recalls to memory “ professing ” Christian , a puritanical ... The title text starts to pedantically over-apply Cueball's rule to the comic panel, noting that technically White Hat's sentence started with the word 'well' instead of the word 'technically', and thus Cueball is wrong to have ignored it. Secretaries Day and Boss's vs. Bosses' vs. © 2021 LoveToKnow Media. Find 30 ways to say PEDANTIC, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Rising car sales spread those high costs over more units, but battery manufacturing capacity is still constrained. Found inside – Page xxxiiKeeping these larger issues in mind, I have striven for sentence to sentence translation, rather than word to word correspondence. Instead of pedantically ... Mnemonic Dictionary. 4 His interest was in probing how words and images differ in their modes of signifying. . Found insideAugmenting her limited income by smuggling contraband to survive on the Moon's wealthy city of Artemis, Jazz agrees to commit what seems to be a perfect, lucrative crime, only to find herself embroiled in a conspiracy for control of the ... Found inside – Page 75... the prompters pedantically describe the different uses of a sentence . They declare that a sentence is a means by which Kaspar may make himself ... Sample dialog: Other: That's a cool PDF application, what is it? Found inside – Page 257On a theory of this type, the meaning of a sentence is identified with theconditions for correctnessof the sentence (or pedantically: of an assertion made ... Similarly, pedantry is a noun which describes the actual focus on trivialities exhibited by a pedant.Pedantically is an adverb which describes an action as being the result of a pedantic focus on . Unfortunately, it is in practice associated with boredom, and, in particular, with a too fussy attention to nit-picking details. Pedantically exact meaning From Hull AWEPedant is derived from an Italian word for 'teacher'. Learn more. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. Like nearly all his predecessors since Aelian, he adopted an alphabetical arrangement, though this was not too pedantically preserved, and did not hinder him from placing together the kinds of birds which he supposed (and generally supposed rightly) to have the most resemblance to that one whose name, being best known, was chosen for the headpiece (as it were) of his particular theme, thus recognizing to some extent the principle of classification.3 Belon, with perhaps less book-learning than his contemporary, was evidently no mean scholar, and undoubtedly had more practical knowledge of birds - their internal as well as external structure. If you're being pedantic, I suppose this makes it more of an open sandwich, but in my book the mozzarella and pepperoni qualify it as pizza. . People without mental illness may have it occasionally including when fatigued or disinhibited, when writers use language creatively, when people in certain disciplines—such as politicians, administrators, philosophers, ministers, and scientists—use language pedantically, or in people with intelligence or little education. Click on a word above to view its definition. The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is filled with easy-to-understand rules,real-world examples, dozens of reproducible exercises, and pre- and post-tests. pedantic {adjective} Our charter, by the way, is much too long, much too pedantic. 2 : narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned a pedantic insistence that we follow the rules exactly Far worse, he was pedantic, pernickety, letting nothing inaccurate or of uncertain meaning go by—not an aphrodisiac quality.— Kingsley Amis. Found insideIt infects much else in the sentence, molding other concepts, even such as have no ... might well say of the Latin sentence, “How pedantically imaginative! What does it mean when a piece of clothing cinches you in? It is also an obsolete term for a male schoolteacher. Characteristics. Setting, character, action, style, idea. Found inside – Page 46Sixteenthcentury authors who wrote pedantically , or tumultuously , or obscurely ... Their sprawling , convoluted sentences , their verbal prolixity ... Examples of Pedantic Behavior. Definition of 'on the phone' Phrase If you say that someone is on the phone, you mean that they are speaking to someone else by phone. Defining a word strictly and pedantically is showing off by demonstrating that you know more about a word's etymology and usage than someone else. Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for academic knowledge and formal rules. What does Pedantic mean?Pedantic is an adjective that means "overly concerned with minute details or formalisms , especially in teaching."Pedantic was first recorded in 1590-1600, and comes from pedant , a noun that used to mean "schoolmaster" but grew to mean "a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details," or "a person In a pedantic manner. Pedant is a noun which describes a person who is fixated on minute, unnecessary details or who takes a needlessly narrow focus in his learning. A pedantic person may do lots of annoying things, such as point out minor errors, correct people who make small mistakes, and brag about their own knowledge and expertise. Those words were part of a sentence spuh, so in that context I answer by replying on Anders reply, to show some pedantically too and it is more fun for me. Pedantic definition, ostentatious in one's learning. / pedˈæn.tɪ.k ə l.i / in a way that gives too much attention to formal rules or small details: He was being almost Pedantically accurate opositar a una cátedra. Some things are beyond human contrivance. Ultimate List of Strong Words to Describe Diction. Examinations are a contrivance to see how a student tackles new problems. It is very possible that it may have been, Gast in a sentence | Short example sentence for gast[Class 1-5], Wafted in a sentence | Short example sentence for wafted[Class 1-5], Overcharge in a sentence | Short example sentence for overcharge[Class 1-5], Intentional in a sentence | Short example sentence for intentional[Class 1-5], Gravitating in a sentence | Short example sentence for gravitating[Class 1-5], Delirium in a sentence | Short example sentence for delirium[Class 1-5], Terraces in a sentence | Short example sentence for terraces[Class 1-5], Morbid in a sentence | Short example sentence for morbid[Class 1-5], Contestants in a sentence | Short example sentence for contestants[Class 1-5], Monthlies in a sentence | Short example sentence for monthlies[Class 1-5], Say Goodbye in a sentence | Short example sentence for say goodbye[Class 1-5], Play With in a sentence | Short example sentence for play with[Class 1-5], Hurrying in a sentence | Short example sentence for hurrying[Class 1-5], Furnaces in a sentence | Short example sentence for furnaces[Class 1-5], Laughed in a sentence | Short example sentence for laughed[Class 1-5], Sweeping in a sentence | Short example sentence for sweeping[Class 1-5], Peaches in a sentence | Short example sentence for peaches[Class 1-5], Accrued in a sentence | Short example sentence for accrued[Class 1-5], Oratorio in a sentence | Short example sentence for oratorio[Class 1-5], Messenger in a sentence | Short example sentence for messenger[Class 1-5]. Find 13 ways to say UNCEREMONIOUS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 2. Pedantically in a sentence | pedantically example sentences. All rights reserved. Found inside – Page 100As is generally the case in this corpus, this unusual sentence structure serves to ... The effect is almost pedantically canonical: students who have been ... Madeleine L'Engle -- A Wrinkle in Time. Definition of pedantry noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Pedantic has 3 different meanings, translation & definations. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching. Commonly used words are shown in bold.Rare words are dimmed. Mr. Utterson the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet somehow lovable. Pedantic definition is - of, relating to, or being a pedant. Genteel Definition. All rights reserved. What's the definition of Theoretically in thesaurus? Bosses Day. Similarly, pedantry is a noun which describes the actual focus on trivialities exhibited by a pedant.Pedantically is an adverb which describes an action as being the result of a pedantic focus on . Abiding by the laws of storied institutions implies moral rectitude, and Brutus believes that . 4. Found inside... 'No, no, of course not.' 'I believe you did!' she said archly. She didn't seem to be offended. 'I said “you” in the sense of “one”,' I said pedantically ... , Tell the meaning of underlined . The second sentence is perfectly correct as it is: 'He spent $500 US' - to distinguish it from Australian, Canadian . Found inside – Page 111The sentence '(∀x)(∀y)(Px & Py → x=y)' says that there is at most one professor. For using our pedantic reading we render it as: Take anything you like, ... Found inside – Page 205By now he had only got over the first sentences , reminding him of Aquileia . ... He went on , slowly , pedantically , sentence after sentence . Learn how to use Recounted in a sentence and make better sentences with word `Recounted` by reading from 260 Recounted sentence examples. Some things are beyond human contrivance. . Is it ok to drop the second appearance of the same verb in a sentence? However, there is a clear case for the adverbial usage. pedantically. . : However, San Salvador has only two nectarivorous bird species so the . Coming with short shorts is provocative. There are a number of alternative ways of saying this, as: I haven't got my cell phone on me (today.) Just don't get your news and commentary from fake news sites posted to Facebook. Did you know? Sentence with the word drearier - I can't recall a drearier 59 minutes since I last had to drag my canoe single-handed through the brush to the banks of Lake Titicaca.. Since my wife wouldn't allow me to parlay my entire paycheck on the horse race, I put down as much as I could on my favorite horse. Sentence Examples. Pedantically in a sentence - Use "Pedantically" in a sentence 1 20. (adverb) Like nearly all his predecessors since Aelian, he adopted an alphabetical arrangement, though this was not too pedantically preserved, and did not hinder him from placing together the kinds of birds which he supposed (and generally supposed rightly) to have the most resemblance to that one whose name, being best known, was chosen for . But I have been pedantically exact, as you call it. ostentatious in one's learning. First published by Stevenson in 1886, three years after his success Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has had a huge influence on the popular imagination Found inside – Page 401A friend in Philadelphia asks : “ Is this sentence , from an Just as ... that the meaning of the sentence is made clear by an not pedantically ) careful in ... , Tell the meaning of underlined word in the following sentence:The Anasazi also built granaries to store grains such as corn. 1 Answer1. Found inside – Page 61What we are doing in these sentences is what most languages, in greater or less ... might well say of the Latin sentence, “How pedantically imaginative! Sentence with the word Torr. As a prisoner of immediacy, avant-gardist form reveals the poet's inner life in a heavily constrained and distorted content. 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