Heartland est une série télévisée canadienne créée d'après la série de romans de Lauren Ty and Amy talk but he doesn't know were he stands with her. She tells Amy it surprised her that she did this. Mallory finds out Badger is leaving at the end of the week. En parallèle, il développe une forte rivalité avec Ty, durant les première années uniquement, puisque les deux garçons deviennent très amis par la suite. Cassandra struggles with handling people at the Dude Ranch, Jeff tries hard to impress her but fails to realize she is not interested. Cassandra comes to help Amy and says the horse has Wobbler's Syndrome which Janice says that the surgery is to expensive and will have to put him down. Amy and Caleb place 3rd in the team roping, as Ty comes over to congratulate Amy she ignores him to excitedly cheer on Caleb on his bronc ride only to notice Ty is gone after. Lou plans to have a wedding reception for Jack and Lisa saying everyone is upset as her. Amy puts together a memorial ride to her moms grave since she missed the funeral. Tim asks Janice to marry him to help with his custody, when she finds out why he asked she leaves him for good. Peter tells Lou nothing happened at the meeting no offer was made. Janice offers to help Amy out with racing. Ty keeps have hallucinations of seeing Amy. Jack talks about what happened to June and how changed his life. Scott fires Caleb at the clinic saying the insurance company made him. Soraya decides not to go because of school so Chase comes to see her. Cisco;s training is going great but Amy and Janice still don’t see eye to eye. Lou guilts Amy into watching Katie even though she is busy. Ty takes up for Cassandra to Amy even though she is acting shifty about things. about his development disturbing the wildlife corridor. Comme s'ils faisaient partie de leur propre famille. Amy struggles with her work because of the issues with Ty, still not thinking she did anything wrong. Amy confronts Ty about getting a text from Blair telling him she has moved on. Ty arranges with Ahmed, who does like the idea, for Amy to work with Zeus to save his life and help her get over her fears. Their first try to catch the herd goes bad, only catching the foal and only two days until they are culled. Alcatraz tries to attack Amy again when she goes in his stall. The next morning Ty tries to talk to Joe about the bar but he ask Ty to borrow $5000. Amy tells Ty Wade can’t be all bad and that she broke it off with Wade because of him. Caleb uses Shorty to try and get in good with Amy. Lisa and Mackenzie's mom try to talk Mackenzie into a large sit-down reception dinner. Clint asked the family about bring another kid to work at Heartland which turns out to be Badger. Amy is not happy Ty is there and ask for Jack to help keep them apart, they both are struggling with their memories of the place. Badger over hears Mallory tell Amy that she likes Jake more. Caleb tells Amy that keeping Storm around would it be fair to the horse, leaving Amy with a big choice. Jack decides to call Lisa after talking to Amy, Lisa comes to the ranch and they talk about their relationship, they decide to drive together to drop off Cinders to his buyer. Tim offers to accompany Amy to her prenatal class while also teaching a Barrel Racing course with Casey. Amy takes Tim side in the race and helps get his. Mallory gets upset and cancels her party when she finds out she is moving to Nashville with her parents. Après avoir essayé sans succès de bâtir une maison sur les terres d'Heartland, Lou et Peter investissent dans la vieille maison des Hanley pour la rénover, mais un incendie met fin à leur projet. Ty tells Amy if he works hard enough and becomes a vet they could become partners in a business one day. Ty starts visiting Mrs. Bell and is worried is not for her. Shane is asking for Pal his horse but it has been rehoused. With Scott and Ty on the way back, Amy goes to meet them at the airport only to find out the plane has lost radio contact. Jade finally realize what the sponsors wants after going after at the photo shoot, Caleb comes to her rescue standing up with her. This results in a calculated photo-op for Mindy with paparazzi tipped off by her agent. Mallory sneaks Austin into the ranch house and catches him with the song on his demo tape and believes his excuse. Amy feels overwhelmed with Lou and Lisa’s debating and excuses herself. Caleb tries to smooth things over with Val but she would rather insult Caleb and Ashley's marriage than support it. Au début de la série, Scott évoque avec Ty son temps passé dans le grenier d'Heartland et le travail qu'il effectuait au ranch. Jack is having Tim and Caleb pick up the slack while he lets his knee heal. Jake gives Mallory a cupcake for her birthday even with how she treated him. Ty ask Scott him pushing him hard, Scott tells him he is going to keep pushing him cause he is going to be a great vet. Amy finds out that Mitch is a veteran and thats why he was gone for a year. Lisa brings a pair of Clydesdales for Amy to train to pull a sleigh, Amy asked Ty to help her. Janice comes by Heartland with Cisco telling Shane he needs to get to know him better. Ty asked Lily about him and she tells him they are back together and he told her about help Ty and he is a better person, ty tells her she is moving backward not forward and leaves. Toujours sur les mêmes bases de tous les épisodes de la série emblématique Heartland, cet épisode de Heartland saison 13 est une production de l’année 2007, en CA. Jack steps out of his comfort zone to support Lisa. Bruce McDonald, Kevin Howard, Rob Hegedus, Kevin Banks, Richard Calistan, etc. Mallory comes to see Amy and Spartan to apologize for the accident but Amy doesn’t blame her and not to worrying about it. Heartland follows sisters Amy and Lou Fleming, their grandfather Jack Bartlett, and Ty Borden, through the highs and lows of life at their ranch. Ty tries to help Amy with the Clydesdales but she just gets mad at him. Tout cette première saison s'inspire étroitement de la série de romans Heartland de Lauren Brooke. [citation needed], The film aired on CBC Television in Canada and the Hallmark Channel in the US instead of UP TV, which did not air it until a few years later. Amy and Jack are worried about Ty and Jack offers to take him fishing. Tim takes the long more dangerous way to the movie set wasting most the day, Lou keeps trying to call and check on Katie. Il est un peu doux-amer, à l'image de la série[16]. d'épisodes 18 Chronologie Saison 2 Saison 4 Liste des épisodes modifier Cet article présente les épisodes de la troisième saison de la série télévisée familiale Heartland . Mitch turns down Jacks offer to go north and work the oil fields, leaving Maverick with Amy to board him but Maverick changes his mind. Amy propose donc à Georgie de continuer la compétition pour le concours d'Automne en s'entrainant avec Phœnix. Jack looks out the window happy to see Ty come home. The vacation is cancelled at the last minute when Peter and Lou go to a conference for his work. Ty worries more when him and Amy catch Caleb making out with Jesse’s girlfriend. Un épisode spécial de Noël, de 87 minutes (Le Noël d'Heartland), est sorti en version française le 7 décembre 2011. Amy struggles with all the changes happening and Lou leavening she tells Ty she doesn’t want a goodbye from him because he has said it to many times before. Amy has a plan to use Harley to help find Ty with the search area narrowed down. Joe's next day training goes better. Jack and Mitch find wolves killing cattle while checking on the herd. Georgie has found a stray dog she is feeding scraps to. The family to heading out to Stumpy’s camp to help him setup for a get together. La famille met tout en œuvre pour les retrouver et pour aider Ty à se remettre de son choc. Phoenix shows up the next morning and is spooked when Georgie runs towards him, Amy rides out to find him. Nicole returns to start running the Dude Ranch and Maggie’s, with a problem already happening with a horse and generator problems. Ce trait provoque parfois des conflits avec sa femme Lisa Stillman, et sa petite-fille Lou. Plus tard, le retour des amis de voyage de Ty menace sa relation avec Amy, qui comprend que Ty n'a pas été honnête avec elle. Amy has a feeling that she knows one of the horses, and after cleaning his face, realizes that it is Ashley's former jumper. Amy finds out Ty was home the whole day, Lily goes and sees Ty bring him dinner. Mais la mort brutale de Marion met en péril le destin du ranch. Lou and Mitch have not told Katie they are dating so they sneak around. Meanwhile, Val is trying too hard to reconnect with her newly reconciled daughter Ashley and Ashley is feeling suffocated. Cassandra comes back to tell Amy she just wants to be friends and Ty didn’t call her, the women all go for a ride. Tim Fleming est grièvement blessé par des voleurs de bétail et impose sa convalescence à Jack. Mallory, de retour à Hudson quelques jours, se marie avec Jake dans l'écurie de Heartland, entourée de tous ses amis. Jack tente d'aider Tim dans sa relation compliquée avec Miranda et Shane, en respectant son souhait de ne pas informer Amy et Lou de son lien de parenté avec le garçon. Amy shows some horses to Bryce but he sees Alcatraz and wants him, Amy tries to talk him out of Alcatraz. Jeremy leaves town making himself look bad. Peter shows up to help Georgie with the telescope for the lunar eclipse, Lou and Peter talk saying that there decision is best for them. Lou is hesitant about leave for the book tour. Georgie decides to she wants Adam to improve her grades after Lou said she didn’t have to. Lou blames Lobo for giving Katie fleas, which causes issues with Amy, but it turns out to be lice from day care. Lou is would about Katie not talking with Marnie about her child’s progress. Lou and Georgie spend the night with Phoenix to look after him, Georgie asked if she can still go on their trip. Tim offers Caleb some advice about Ashley. Peter is upset with Lou after she has to go to New York for work for a month and he has to pick up the slack. Miranda shows up with out Shane to talk Tim about Shane. Amy talks with Ty telling him it’s must be rough for Lily and that might be why she came. Lou sees that Jack might be able to save her meeting. Amy is upset after Ty tells her he is moving out, Mallory gets involved and causes more problems. 's poacher are killing and injuring farm animals, pets, and wildlife in the area. Origine : Canada Saison : 13 Episodes : 214 Statut : En cours Réalisateur(s) : Acteur(s) : Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Johnston Genre : Drame, Critiques Spectateurs : 3.9 En dépit des dettes qui s'accumulent et de la banque qui menace de saisir, les Fleming se battent pour permettre à leur ranch de continuer à tourner. Jack warns Ty not to expect his father to be the hero that he may be hoping for, and promises that he can return later, if need be. Ty discovers their dream ranch is back on the market and Spartan is on the mend. Amy is excited that Spartan is coming home, she sees Jeremy breaking up with Cassandra when she goes and gets him. Casey wants to name the rodeo after her deceased husband Hank since it’s for cancer charity. Tim comes back feeling sorry for himself making excuse for himself with his marriage and tell Ty yes. Georgie attitude cause problems with her doing what ever she wants. Mallory tries to get rid of Jake but ends up missing him, Jack helps them work out their problems. Jack tells her to stop and he loves her and wants her to come home and figure their relationship out. Nicole let Lou no she is being investigated at work and might lose her job, also she would be interested to running Maggie’s and the Dude Ranch for her. Ty asked to go for a walk to talk and Amy say she always wanted to talk and ask him what he wants but gets upset and leaves when he doesn't answer. Ty comforts Amy telling her they need to take care of Rusty and the other horses, with Rusty getting better they discover that Phoenix has been poisoned now. Lou get another email for Peter and responses. Ashley goes home with her mother, who is angry over the $3700 in damages to Ashley's BMW. Casey and Lisa conflict over the menu for the competition, Amy tells Casey to make sure she tells Lisa want she wants. Georgie classmate Olivia is bullying her because she sees her as a threat show jumping. Mitch apologizes for being rude and explains why he was when she went to see him during his solo fishing trip. La série est visionnée dans 119 pays et, au Canada, tend à attirer un million de téléspectateurs par épisode[15]. Amy et Ty aident Attila, un cheval mongole, et se rendent en Mongolie pour continuer leur tâche, mais Ty est enlevé au moment où Amy et Tim le rejoignent. Georgie and Jade use the nanny camera of figure out if the horse is letting itself out of the stall and shows Amy, Lou, and Jack, Amy apologizes to the girls. Jade finds Clay's cocky attitude annoying and demeaning and convinces Georgie to swap partners. Amy fait la connaissance d'un cheval sauvage qu'elle tente en vain d'approcher, et trouve une solution pour sauver le cheval de sa rivale, qui a été retrouvé dans un camion destiné à l'abattoir. Tim has the family drive the cattle to the police station in town to tell them he did their job for them and that the rustlers are in the trailer. Amy runs a great race showing with Janice winning, Amy's excitement is lessened by Tim not being happy and Dexter coming up lame. L'actrice, qui a toujours vécu auprès des chevaux depuis son enfance[8] et qui se préparait à devenir vétérinaire[9], a commencé le tournage de la série à l'âge de dix-neuf ans (alors que son personnage n'en avait que quinze). Amy tries to talk to Jack about June. Mallory wants someone to feel sorry about her messing up with Jake. Chase then interrupts Amy’s clinic she is doing. Tim asked Jack to rope with him at the rodeo. Jack's old band gets up on stage to play together for one last set. Georgie lies about the trip saying the coaches are going also and plays Peter and Lou against each other. Constable Rodriguez comes to the rescue when it looks like the horses will have to go back to the dealer. Le cheval de Jack, Paint, est mis à la retraite et meurt peu de temps après, Jack le vit très difficilement. Amy vient en aide à Sandra, une ancienne voltigeuse professionnelle qui a perdu confiance en son cheval et dans sa discipline après avoir perdu sa sœur et coéquipière dans un accident de voiture. Caleb and Ashley return from the rodeo behind on bills. Jack decides to finish the dollhouse with Tim butting in. Jack has finally had it with Tim telling him and he wants him gone, Tim wants to think he is the hero. Joe, Caleb and Ty head to the bar for some drinks where Caleb sees him steal money off table cause Ty and Caleb to argue. Celui-ci apprend que Shane est également son fils. Ty takes Lily away to protect her. Amy plans to return and steal Spartan from the auction house, Ty tries to talk her out of it and reluctantly agrees when she won't listen. Clint starts to talk to Georgie who is upset about missing the trip. Tim tells Jack he is moving to Moose Jaw and Jack tells him fine, then he goes to Lou feeling sorry for himself. Lou and Peter form a united front against trumped-up child endangerment charges, Georgie is worried she might have to leave Heartland. Amy has a breakthrough with Bryce and his horse. Jack tell Lisa he loves her all the time. Amy, while doing a clinic, is offered a job teaching inmates her style of breaking wild mustangs. Amy still has told Ty truth about any of the gifts or kiss. Blair kisses Ty telling him that she has feelings but he doesn't reciprocate her feelings, nor does he tell Amy. Elle a eu du mal à s'adapter au retour de sa sœur aînée, Lou, qui était partie vivre à New York jusqu'à l'accident. Lou tries to talk to Amy but she points out problems in her marriage, causing Lou to doubt her marriage. Both dispute who won, because Tim won by going off-course during the race. La série télévisée s'est inspirée de la série de livres pour adolescents, Heartland, de Lauren Brooke. Ty reaches out to Wade about the horses cause it’s the company he works for to see if he is involved. Val comes to tell Caleb that she bought the property. Stefan Scaini, Jane Morrison, Kevin Howard, Rob Hegedus, Kevin Banks, Richard Calistan, etc. Elle est choisie pour être la marraine de Katie, la fille de Lou et de Peter. Lou apologizes to Amy for not telling her about the ring, Jack saves Peter and Lou by watching Katie. Spartan refuses to jump for Amy and she is suffering from the trauma of having him stolen, so Amy takes him to Marion's. Lou apologizes to Lisa and ask her to be godmother. Ty believe that Ghost should be release because he hears another horse calling for him. Jack tells Ty thanks for taking up for the girls since he knew he was lying, It's the end of summer in Hudson, and the weather is sweltering. Lou starts up with the wedding plans with Amy wondering what’s going on with her and Peter. Ty gets Amy to help him to follow Wade to only find out that he is working two jobs to help Lily out. Georgie does not get the desired response from Quinn. And as Amy works with a restless yoga horse she learns the real reason her dad is so keen on helping Jack and Ty build a treehouse for Lyndy. When the new manager at Fairfield comes to them with an unusual concern, Amy and Ty find themselves at odds about how best to treat her horse. As Thanksgiving approaches, Georgie convinces Amy to work with a high strung and dangerous jumping horse. Before she can help Spartan, she has to come to terms with what happened to her mom. Lou eventually kicks Mindy out for behaving as a spoiled rich girl and disrupting the peace at Heartland, and she drives off into the sunset. As Mitch’s wedding looms, Lou struggles to let go, and Tim is left to consider his own decisions. Amy tells Ty after the clinic doesn’t go well they need to maybe put things on hold and not kill them selves. Casey tells Tim she wants to buy her own house and Tim thinks it’s about her wanting to buy the horse together. Georgie invites Adam to go to the corn maze after he gets a bad grade on a test with her and Jade, who doesn’t show up. Shameless (US) Saison 11 VOSTFR. La série est visionnée dans 119 pays et attire un million de téléspectateurs par épisode au Canada. Casey tells Tim she loves him and didn’t hear him say it before. Amy yells at Ty about chores not getting done and tells her Caleb was right she think to much, she realize Ty saw her kiss Caleb. Caleb tells Amy that Ty needs help after what he learned trying to get Ashley back. Amy still can’t get Spartan to leave the barn and worries about his health. Ty gives Amy her picture telling her it doesn’t belong to him. Amy immediately believes everything that Grant says and Ty finally tells her about the kiss. Ty makes a reluctant deal with Wade for info about Cisco and the other horses, Ty tells Amy about and they make a plan to save Cisco. Ty et Amy envisagent d'acheter un ranch proche d'Heartland. Le couple parvient a surmonter l'épreuve avec des hauts et des bas, tout en essayant de garder un équilibre dans leur mariage et leur rôle de parent. Tim is going back to Big River but has a fight with Callie when she finds out he lied about them dating to anyone and she leaves. The Official Heartland Blog. Georgie finally tells Adam about her and Wyatt. Lou puts out a comment boxes but doesn’t like it when they like Tim’s changes. Peter, Lou and Lisa talk about the Dude Ranch and ask to be bought out and Jack gets involved cause his feelings are hurt, Lisa gives him a real kiss and walks out. A sudden, yet deliberate, barn fire puts Jack in hospital and Heartland in financial straits, just as Lou was preparing to return to her old life in New York. Tim is a bigger jerk than normal towards Ty making him do everything with Jack telling it’s to much, Tim tells Jack his Norse is to much for him. Amy starts training Phoenix as a jumper. Lou and Peter's romantic weekend is ruined by Eden, Peter's ex-wife. Cassandra gets her job back at the clinic. Tim forces Victor to leave which causes problems between him and the girls. Ty and Jesse fight after he tells him how he plans to get revenge on Amy, Caleb and him. Lou stands up to Tim about what horses to buy, Amy tells Tim she is done after he tries to bully her into keep riding and he tells her to sell Storm. The Heartland family must deal with Amy and Ty's decision about their future. Tim talks to Clint again which causes Tim a lot of paperwork. Georgie gets ready for the Spring Classic and Olivia see her as a threat to beat her so she comes up with lies to tell her to put her down, Georgie gets upset and hits her. Après un accident entre un camion transportant des chevaux et son bus scolaire, Amy est filmée en train de calmer l'un des chevaux blessés, et la vidéo circule sur internet. Lisa encourages Lou to go for coffee with the inspector. Georgie goes on her first cattle move. Georgie fights disappointment when it looks like Peter won't make it home to take in the lunar eclipse with her. Tim and Miranda are at two completely different sides of the relationship causing Miranda to make a choice. Ty comes by before he leaves to make sure Amy is ok with him going. Georgie s'intéresse à la voltige équestre après avoir observé Sandra. Jack goes after Tim knowing he going to crash Miranda’s wedding, catching him before he gets there. Sarah comes back to see that her horse is getting better and takes the abandon horse home also. Amy get upset with Ty because he buys ahorse thinks she brought it for her. Mallory feels guilt about what happened. It’s Lou first day at work and she is worried about be away for Katie, Katie says her first word and it’s DaDa. Ty talks them into giving Joe a shot at training horses, feeling he owes him for helping him in the past. Ashley starts trying to take charge at Maggie's while Lou trains Soraya on the job of running the Dude Ranch. Mallory meets one of her dad's biggest fans, the new bus boy at Maggie's, Austin, and gives him her number. Since Lisa cannot sell her as a show horse, she gives Diva to Mackenzie as a wedding gift. Amy is asked to work with Lisa's racehorse, but when information is brought to light about the horse's breeding, conflict arises. Jack runs into Lisa and she tells him she is there to sell off Fairfield. Amy has to face an upsetting truth about Spartan's future. Ty tries to encourage Amy as she works with her horse but she acts coldly towards him still not telling him. Shane a onze ans (au début de la saison 4). Grant shows up and he and Blair talk and make up. Mais Tim finit pas révéler lui-même accidentellement que Shane est son fils, lors d'un dîner en famille. Au Québec, elle est diffusée depuis le 30 août 2010 sur Séries+[1] et rediffusée en après-midi depuis 2018 sur ICI Radio-Canada Télé, et en Suisse sur RTS Deux. Tim gets a meeting with Buff Burgers franchise set up. Ahmed comes to Heartland let her know that he is going to put down Zeus, which Amy doesn’t care surprising Ty.
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